168 East Calle Don Francisco
Bernalillo, NM 87004
Providing Commercial Buyers with the Best Price,
Largest Variety & Highest Quality in Bulk Chile

Gourmet Chile and SpicesOur spices are a cut above when it comes to quality.

Gourmet Spices and Seasonings from The Chile Guy

The Chile Guy specializes in providing restaurants, distributors and food processors with the best chiles on the planet—literally. Recognized as one of the country’s leading chile purveyors, The Chile Guy scouts the best chile and produce markets on the face of the earth to find exquisite and exotic chiles, gourmet spices, extracts and seasonings.

Chiles are exotic to begin with; they lend an air of mystery and romance to spicy dishes from around the world. These sultry little peppers are grown on every continent except Antarctica and are beloved additions to soups, salsas, sauces, moles and other ethnic cuisine.

While there’s really no such thing as gourmet spices and seasoning, The Chile Guy provides the highest quality chiles—in terms of color, heat, flavor and purity—in a variety of formats so that you can make the gourmet creations you have in mind with whole chile pods, powders or flakes!

Our ability to provide a significant variety of chiles in the largest variety of formats for the widest variety of applications is the single largest advantage of doing business with The Chile Guy.

Whether you are in need of quality Guajillo, Ancho and Pasilla for your Mexican restaurant, want to spice up your bar offerings with Chipotle flakes or Jalapenos, or want to add the taste of New Mexico to your recipe with dried green chile powder, The Chile Guy can supply all of your bulk spice and chile needs.

Contact The Chile Guy when Nothing but the best will Do

The Chile Guy has been the country’s leading purveyor of premium, Grade A chile for over 15 years. By hand-selecting our chile from leading chile and produce markets throughout the world, The Chile Guy is able to provide you with the flavor and heat you need to set your commercial culinary creations apart from the rest. Check out our product list and give us a call to find out about our spices and seasoning for gourmet applications. All of our chile, spices and seasonings are Kosher certified and FDA inspected.

Call 800.869.9218 to get your gourmet spices and seasoning from The Chile Guy today!

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